Go-Kit Family Emergency Super Kit for 4

What's Inside

Search And Rescue

1 Pair
Safety goggles
1 Pair
Leather palmed work gloves
1 Each
Multi function knife
1 Pair
Small work gloves
4 Each
Emergency signal whistles
1 Each 50 foot rope
1 Each Folding shovel
1 Pair Locking pliers

First Aid

First Aid
3" x 4" non adherent pads
1 Roll
Adhesive tape 1/2"
1 Each
3" tensor bandage
2 Each
4" x 4" sterile gauze
2 Each
3" x 3" sterile gauze
1 Each 3" roll conforming gauze
1 Each 8" x 10" abdominal pad
12 Each Safety pins
1 Each Triangular bandage
3 Each String stop towelettes
3 Each Eye pads
18 Each 1" x 3" adhesive strips
5 Each Fingertip bandages
5 Each Knuckle bandages
2 Each Butterfly bandages
2 Each Spot bandages
2 Each Patch bandages
1 Each Instant cold pack
2 Each Green soap sponges
1 Pair Latex gloves
1 Each Mini universal scissors


4 Each
N95 dust masks
4 Each
Emergency foil blankets
4 Each
12 hour light sticks
4 Each
Garbage bags
4 Rolls
Personal tissue
1 Pack Government issue emergency brochures
1 Each Crank radio
1 Each Crank flashlight
1 Roll Duct tape
2 Each Tarps 10' x 12'
2 Boxes Waterproof matches (45 per box)
1 Each 36 hour candle in tin
4 Each Hand warmers
1 Pack Water purification tablets
4 Each 3 day food packs
4 Each 3 day water packs
1 Each Portable stove (with 24 fuel tabs)
2 Packs Fire sticks (12 per pack)

Product ID
Go-Kit Family Emergency Super Kit for 4
1 Each

To Order, Please Click Here

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